Letters from Sophie Lavaud: April 21st, 2022

Island peak summit 6189m

With Sangay we arrived at the Lhotse base camp which is common to Everest. The moraine of the Khumbu glacier is covered with multicolored tents and the atmosphere is cosmopolitan and friendly. But with Covid, some shipments are denying access to other shipments, restricting travelers to stay “home” in their zone.

Our camp is the highest on the moraine at 5322m and is facing the impressive icefall, the famous Khumbu icefall. Great view to get in the bath!

Our acclimation to the Kala Phattar and Island Peak with friends was a success. The latter, which rises to 6189m at the foot of the impressive south face of the Lhotse, seems very small but is not really that easy. Over the years the glacier has dried up and the top part is very steep, all made of ice and rock! A good exercise as a first acclimation rotation!
From Chhukung we left the friends and took the way to the base camp.
A few days of installation and rest before a big rotation I hope until camp 3 to continue our acclimatization.

To be continued… 
Lhotse Base Camp
April 21, 2022

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