Letters from Sophie Lavaud: May 24th, 2022

désescalade mur sommital 8500m photo@DawaSangay

Dear friends,

14 May, on the eve of my birthday, I set foot on the Lhotse, the fourth highest summit of the earth.
The Lhotse is often downplayed compared to its giant brother Everest, it shouldn’t, with 8516m, it is actually very high, and challenging!
Leaving camp 4 at 7700m around 00:30 am, with Dawa Sangay, we reached the summit around 8:30 am.
After a quiet night where the frontal column on Everest merges with the stars, we were surprised by a sudden violent wind that made the last hour of ascent very difficult.

Well-deserved double cake: «birthday» and «summit cake», after the de-escalation of the icefall as a birthday present!

happy end!

2 days of rest at the base camp and we reached Lukla on foot. Seeing green, villages and life again is always a relief.

I decided to stay in Nepal and chain directly to Pakistan.
See you in a few days in Islamabad but by then, dhal bhat and rest to replenish the beast!

A big thank you for your support, your encouragement and all your great messages. Another great adventure this Lhotse is!



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