Graphic Illustration
The idea of this illustration came from a personal feeling at first and from a certain way of thinking or living.
If we look at the visual, it’s a girl with messy hair style and a noese piercing , in nowadays we call this street style.
It reflects the personality of someone who is looking for freedom, they are always juged by ordinary people.
This visual is done through the inside thinking of the artist, his background and way of living maybe.
In the visual the girl is eating ice cream that has many connotation.
Lets mention some that the illustration has been based on :
- Happiness : Ice cream most of times holds people together to joke and laugh.
- Feeling of refreashing : It is cold and so tasty with different flavors.
- Seductive : Seduction attracts people attention with a crazy way.
Some people never eat ice cream outside, and it depends on everyone’s background.
How is it linked to Mountaineering ?
The girl in the illustration looks Rebillion, Adventurous and Anti social somehow, so it is abvious to have the idea of escaping to the wild.
She can also be obsessed with the mountains as anyother landscapes.
So in the visual the girl is eating a mountain of snow instead of ice cream.
And as sweet as the ice cream is , it cannot be sweeter than an adventure in a mountain.
This visual has been placed on some of our products. Here below we mention some :